
2016年9月29日发布 2023年8月23日更新


每个原子的中心都有一个原子核. Breaking that nucleus apart—or combining two nuclei together—can release large amounts of energy. 核武器利用这种能量制造爆炸.

Modern nuclear weapons work by combining chemical explosives, nuclear 裂变, and nuclear 融合. 炸药压缩核材料, causing 裂变; the 裂变 releases massive amounts of energy in the form of X-rays, 它们产生了引发核聚变所需的高温高压.


All matter is composed of atoms: incredibly small structures that house different combinations of three particles, 也就是质子, 中子, 和电子.

在每个原子的中心是一个“原子核”(原子核的复数形式是“原子核”)。, 中子和质子紧密结合在一起的地方. 大多数原子核相对稳定, 这意味着它们的中子和质子的组成相对来说是静止不变的.

裂变, 某些重原子的原子核分裂成更小的原子核, 较轻的原子核, 在这个过程中释放多余的能量. This can sometimes occur spontaneously, but can also, in certain nuclei, be induced from outside. 一个中子射向原子核并被吸收,造成不稳定和裂变. In some elements—such as certain isotopes of uranium and plutonium—the 裂变 process also releases excess 中子, 如果它们被附近的原子吸收,就会引发连锁反应.

融合 当暴露在极高的温度和压力下时,反向517888九五至尊娱乐, 一些较轻的原子核可以聚变形成较重的原子核, 在这个过程中释放能量.

在现代核武器中, 哪些同时使用裂变和聚变, a single warhead can release more explosive energy in a fraction of a second than all of the weapons used during World War II 结合——包括投在日本的两颗原子弹“胖子”和“小男孩”.


所有的核武器都使用裂变来产生爆炸. “Little Boy”—the first nuclear weapon ever used during wartime—worked by shooting a hollow uranium-235 cylinder at a target “plug” of the same material.


Only certain isotopes of certain elements can undergo 裂变 (an isotope is a variation of the same element with different numbers of 中子 in the nucleus). 钚-239和铀-235是核武器中最常用的同位素.

每一部分本身不足以构成a 临界质量 (the minimum amount of nuclear material needed to maintain 裂变)—but by colliding the pieces, 达到临界质量,发生了裂变链式反应.

现代核武器的517888九五至尊娱乐原理略有不同. 临界质量取决于材料的密度:如密度 in折痕,临界质量 de折痕. 而不是两个亚临界核燃料的碰撞, modern weapons detonate chemical explosives around a sub-critical sphere (or “pit”) of uranium-235 or plutonium-239 metal. 爆炸的力是向内的, 压缩凹坑,使原子靠得更近. 一旦密度达到临界质量, 注入中子, 引发链式裂变反应并产生原子爆炸.

核聚变武器(也称为“热核”或“氢”武器), 最初裂变爆炸产生的能量被用来将氢同位素“融合”在一起. 的 energy released by the weapon creates a fireball that reaches several tens of million degrees—temperatures in the same range as the center of the sun (which also runs on 融合).



热核武器中使用的爆炸通常被描述为 主要的 (化学和裂变爆炸)和 二次 (随后的聚变爆炸). 然而,实际的机制要复杂得多.

例如, a pure 裂变 主要的 is inefficient—the plutonium pit will blow itself apart before most of the plutonium-239 can 裂变. 而不是, the reaction can be “boosted” by including hydrogen gas (consisting of the isotopes deuterium and tritium) in the center of a hollow pit. 因为周围的钚发生了裂变, 氢气发生聚变并释放出中子, 诱导额外裂变.

类似的, the 二次 doesn’t consist purely of 融合 fuel; layered within it is a 裂变 "spark plug,由钚-239或铀-235组成的. 当第一次爆炸从外部压缩燃料时, 火花塞材料变得超临界并发生裂变, 从内部加热氢,促进进一步的聚变反应.

核聚变释放中子. 的se 中子 hit a layer of uranium surrounding the 融合 fuel causing atoms in it to 裂变; this 裂变ing generally contributes more than half of the weapon’s total explosive yield.

不包括这种铀“毯子”的热核武器被称为 中子炸弹,因为核聚变释放的中子从武器中释放出来. Neutron bombs therefore create a larger amount of radiation than a normal weapon of the same yield. 在冷战期间,这种武器被认为是用来对付坦克攻击的, 目的是在不破坏坦克的情况下使坦克乘员瘫痪.

Natural uranium must be enriched in centrifuges like these before it's usable in nuclear weapons. 图片:核管理委员会


虽然许多元素是可裂变的(意思是它们可以发生裂变), 只有少数被用于制造核武器. Most common are the isotopes uranium-235 and plutonium-239 (reminder: isotopes are atoms of the same element that differ only in their number of 中子).

is found throughout the world and can be mined from mineral deposits (it can also be extracted from seawater, 但这样做目前要昂贵得多。). However, only a small fraction (less than one percent) of naturally occurring uranium is uranium-235. 生产可用的铀需要一个“浓缩”过程,” in which different uranium isotopes are separated and concentrated (usually using centrifuges, 就像沙拉纺纱机一样). 这是非常昂贵的, 困难, 和耗时, 也是制造核弹的主要障碍之一.

也可以使用,但只能以微量天然存在. 它可以, 然而, 在核反应堆中作为裂变副产物产生, 然后通过一个叫做“再加工.” 钚 separation is easier than uranium enrichment—it involves separating different elements, not different isotopes of the same element—but it’s a highly radioactive process that requires heavily shielded facilities with remote-handling equipment.



美国 was the first country to develop nuclear weapons, detonating the first 裂变 device in 1945. Seven years later the 美国 successfully tested the first hydrogen bomb during “Operation Ivy” (physicist Richard Garwin helped build that device, 现在是忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟的董事会成员). 截至2018年, 美国估计有6人死亡,500枚核弹头, 包括退役(待解), 存储, 部署武器.

苏联在1949年首先发展了核能力. 俄罗斯美国的现代武器库估计有7000枚弹头.

法国 (~ 300枚核弹头), 中国 (~ 260) 联合王国 (~215), 巴基斯坦 (130年~) 印度 (~120)也有核武器. 以色列 尚未正式承认其核能力. 据估计,其核武库通常在80枚左右, 尽管有些估计要大得多.

朝鲜美国的能力在很大程度上是未知的. 有人怀疑它可能拥有5-10枚有限的武器, 但可能有材料建造两倍的数量.


在80年代中期冷战的高峰期, 全世界总共有60多只,000枚核弹头. 如今,这一数字接近1.5万,减少了75%. 

This progress was made possible thanks to leaders and advocates who recognized the very real dangers of nuclear war. 即使是有限的核交火也可能导致数百万人死亡, 造成严重的617888九五至尊娱乐影响, and wreak havoc on the world’s political and economic structures; a full-blown nuclear war would do irreparable harm to the world as we know it.

还有更多的517888九五至尊娱乐要做, 包括进一步削减, 快拆迁, 并解除警报(数百美国.S. 导弹仍然开着 一触即发的紧张增加意外、未经授权或错误发射的风险).

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