Barriers and 解决方案 to Building Clean 能源 in California

Published Mar 11, 2024

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For California to achieve its 2045 clean energy goals, it needs to roughly triple its clean energy capacity.

There are more than enough projects in the works to make that happen, 但该州需要解决三个经常延迟项目完成的瓶颈:对输电和电网升级的需求, the interconnection queue backlog, and siting and permitting difficulties.

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Barriers and 解决方案 to Building Clean 能源 in California

For California to achieve its 2045 clean energy goals, the state will need to roughly triple its existing energy capacity. While this may seem challenging, there are enough clean energy projects in the works to make it happen; the problem is the barriers that frequently occur in the development of these projects. 加州需要优先解决下面列出的三个瓶颈,以确保为其人民提供可靠和公平的电网.

1. Need for Transmission and Grid Upgrades

电网基础设施, particularly transmission, has not kept pace with the clean energy transition. 加州电网运营商(CAISO)拥有比美国其他许多地区更为健全的长期规划流程, but barriers arise in the development of this planned transmission, particularly around cost and permitting.

立法者和监管者可以激励公用事业公司升级现有的电网基础设施, 特别是电网增强技术,如动态线路额定值和功率流控制器. 与新建输电系统相比,这可以在更短的时间内经济有效地提高输电能力, which can take over a decade. 加强区域合作,有利于优化建设连接资源潜力大地区的新通道. 例如, 由西部利益相关者组成的“西部治理路径倡议”正在建立一个区域电网协调实体,可以实现区域输电规划,同时促进围绕成本分配和协调许可程序的讨论. 加州还应考虑为输电项目提供其他融资机制. This could include a state transmission authority, 比如在新墨西哥州, 或增加有资格进行竞争性招标的输电项目数量. 建立传播的所有过程都应以强有力的环境审查和早期公众参与为基础.

2. Interconnection Queue Backlog

To connect to the grid, 发电项目必须接受CAISO的联网研究,以评估其对电网的影响. Because CAISO has been inundated by requests in the past few years, including many that are purely speculative, 互连队列现在有大量积压的项目等待这些研究, which have become more time-consuming and less accurate. The vast majority of projects in the queue are clean energy and storage.

民航总局采取了一项政策举措,对互连过程进行重大改革, 重点是限制队列摄入量和更快地通过队列移动项目. 这是朝着更有效的进程迈出的有希望的一步,该进程将优先考虑与现有传输能力相一致的项目, 商业利益, 项目的可行性, 以及系统需求. 然而, CAISO still needs more equity considerations in the process, 例如为部落或弱势社区服务或拥有的项目提供替代轨道. 例如, 联邦能源管理委员会最近批准了一项豁免,给予部落社区拥有的风能项目更多的时间来满足其独特的融资结构的财务要求.

3. Siting and Permitting Difficulties

California has high clean energy resource potential, 但是,这些基础设施的选址可能会与其他土地用途(如保护)发生冲突, 农业, and various community needs. Project permitting can therefore face local opposition, 在多个司法管辖区的传输许可程序也很繁琐.

Legislation to incentivize clean energy on the built environment (e.g., warehouse rooftops) and disturbed lands (e.g., 褐色土地), or the use of virtual power plants, can minimize the amount of land needed and reduce siting and permitting concerns. The state can also streamline these processes on public lands, 但这条道路必须包括强有力的利益相关者投入和对累积影响的监测. 可再生的沙漠

能源 Conservation Plan is a good example of using public lands for renewable energy, 结合对保护目标和当地社区的责任. 要求尽早与受影响社区接触,可以主动解决当地的问题,帮助项目更快地推进.

最后, 国家应该为社区组织提供技术援助项目,以促进有意义的参与.g., by developing "community benefits agreements").

A flowchart showing the bottlenecks in clean energy project development.
